What a memorable day. Waking up in Custer, South Dakota Dan, Leighton, Wade, Austin, Kent and Mallory went for a hike in the Black Hills behind the hotel. We followed 3 deer and a bunch of turkeys. When we got to the top, Tracy took a picture of us on top of a rock. We then came down and headed for Mt Rushmore. What a beautiful drive. Mt. Rushmore was wonderful. What an amazing part of history about our country, the presidents lives and all the hard work that went into making this historical site. We attended some of the lectures-movies about the history of Mt. Rushmore. Spent most of the day there. Kent and Mallory received a book that they had to fill out to become Junior Park Rangers. They both finished it before we left, and a real Ranger swore them in and gave them a badge. It was really neat. They learned alot more about Mt. Rushmore by participating in this way. We saw some bright white mountain goats up close. The kids really liked seeing them so close. The last 2 days we felt a very deep grief and sorrow about the losses of 30 million buffalos, many indian tribes uprooted from their homes. Then after reading the history of the service of George Washington, Jefferson & Lincloln, what huge sacrifices that the leaders of that time made in order that we would have our freedoms we have in America that grief faded. It seems to be that God was on the hearts of the founding fathers more than it is today. Our prayer is that the U. S. A. will go back to the Lord and call upon Him for direction and wisdom to run this beautiful country. We left Rapid City and headed across the grassy plains and rolling hills. We drove pretty late and were glad to find a motel in Murdo, a town of 1,000 people. Continuing east. God bless you all and thank you for your prayers and encouraging emails. They really touch our hearts.
Miles: 171
"Onward Christian Soldiers!" It sure is a blessing to know that you are learning about the history of our country. Even more exciting is that you are learning and seeing the places that our history was make. It sure is better than reading it from text books!! We can't wait to see your badges. We love you all and are praising God for such a wonderful trip for you.
Good Day/evening...knowing as you go east your time will change...Was quiet at the store today, one customer...Curt Peterson and Javier (Harvey) came in. John & Louisa's phone number is 1-514-633-5633. I am sending them your blog address and your cell phone #'s...Have a fun and safe trip..Love you all, Mary Jane
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